Mediumship and sensitivity with Matthew Smith (SNU Minister)
April 2025 STEPPING STONES Innovative Training in Spiritual Mediumship for ONE YEAR or in blocks of 6 sessions.
April 2025 STEPPING STONES Innovative Training in Spiritual Mediumship for ONE YEAR or in blocks of 6 sessions.
With over 40 years of experience in mediumship, this practice is more than what I do for a living; it is my way of serving humanity. I’ve always collaborated alone in this realm, but receive help from many beings in the spirit world, and continue to heal, teach and guide those in need.
Join our two Facebook pages Matthew's Mentorship and/or United Spiritualists'
One Years on line training in specific Groups (or 6/90 minute sessions every two weeks) Evidential Mediumship/Trance Speaking/Trance Healing/Trance Communication. The teaching is spirit led to give you a personal sense of constructive direction.
Groups meet in uk time a.m. and p.m. to suit all time zones.
Intuitive/Evidential/Trance Speaking and Healing. Six x 90 minute sessions meeting every two weeks. Times are UK
Intuitive 9.30/11am or 7/8.30pm
April 11th - June 20th
Trance Speaking 5/6.30pm
March 31st - June 9th
Trance Healing 9.30/11am or 5/5.30pm
April 10th -June 19th
Evidential 9.30/11am or 7/8.30pm
April 4th - June 13th
Like minded individuals, share experiences and grow spiritually in your being. Practical learning, gain insights into connecting with the spirit world. Enhance your intuition and strengthen your abilities in a meaningful way.
For a flyer with more detailed information email
Or we can arrange a free zoom talk to speak in more depth about groups and learning opportunities.
SITTING IN THE POWER 2025 - Free sessions to our Community
February 14th at 9am uk time
February 20th 5pm uk
February 27th 9am uk
March 7th 5pm uk
Zoom 539 821 2617 and passcode 496364
Three hour zoom workshops at either 10am or 3pm uk time
If you have not worked with me before the first workshop is £45 and other workshops are £35. For those who have attended my SPIRITUS classes all workshops are £35
February 22nd FOCUS AND INTENTION - Allow the process
Enhance your "Spiritual Mediumship" with mental pathways allowing the process of communication to flow and reflect thoughts from the spirit communicator.
March 8th
Clairaudience How can we allow the spirit to speak with us with subjective Clairaudience. (Inner hearing).
March 9th
Intuitive Powers Highlight our own intuition in psychic work.
March 22nd
Clairsentience - using this element of mental mediumship for Evidential Communication.
March 23rd
Clairvoyance. What is "the mirror of the mind" heighten and strengthen your evidential links.
For further details use contact form on website
Suitable for all levels of abilities
Limited Numbers
My Zoom classes include private sittings in evidential mediumship, trance healing, spiritual assessments, and teaching mediumistic disciplines tailored for the modern society. I offer both private mentorship and group sessions, providing clarity and guidance on the spiritual journey.
Reach out for more information, details or having a chat with me.
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